ash of coal

ash of coalash of coal
  1. Detection of Ash of Coal by Means of Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis


  2. Distribution and growth characteristics of the root systems of poplar , willow , elm and locust on site of renewed land by fine ash of coal


  3. A Study of the Correlation between the Carbon Content in Fly ash of Coal fired Power Plants and Adsorption Quantity of PAHs ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ) Organic Pollutants


  4. A new apparatus for measuring the ash content of coal


  5. Fast determination of oxide in ash content of coal and coke


  6. Research on the regression model between calorific value and ash content of coal


  7. Determination of the Ash Content of Coal Using Annihilation Radiation


  8. Influence of Ash of Coking Coal to the Thermal Characteristics of Coke


  9. The ash content of coal is an important index in coal trade and utilizing process .


  10. Effect of fluxes on the ash behavior of coal by FTIR


  11. The exploration and improvement of the determination methods on ash composition of coal or coke


  12. Distributing Law of Ash of Pulverized Coal Used in Iron Blast Furnaces


  13. Study on volcanic ash reactivity of coal cinder at about 900 ℃


  14. Screen test of Flocculant in Dealing with the Hydraulic Ash of Shell Coal Gasification Process


  15. Measuring error analysis & control of γ - ray radiac Instrument for measuring ash content of coal


  16. On-Line Determination of Ash Content of Coal Based on the Transmission of Bi-Energy γ - Rays


  17. The ash content of coal for our country coal-fired boilers commonly is high and low with heat value and volatility .


  18. A brief summary of a test on fly ash concrete of Coal Wharf of longkou , Shandong Province


  19. The paper states that it is positive action to use dynamic management and static management at the same time for reducing ash content of coal .


  20. Indirect determination of sulfide in ash of pulverized coal in thermal power plants by using high-pressure DIGESTION-ATOM absorption method


  21. To effectively and economically reduce the ash content of coal and raise the quality of coal products have become a commonly concerned problem .


  22. Brief Discussion on Static and Dynamic Management of Reducing Ash Content of Coal Significance of Producing Low-ash Metallurgical Coal in Relation to Energy Saving


  23. The quantities of PAHs reduce with the increase of ash content of coal or the drop of heating value of coal during coal partial gasification .


  24. In the fly ash of burned coal the content of many trace elements in iron particles happens to be higher than that of calcium and silicon aluminum particles .


  25. The effects of coal type , ash content of coal , size of coal and its distribution , preparation method of coal slurry and condition for test on properties of coal slurry are discussed .


  26. Checks ash content of coal using energy balance of boiler and air preheater ; and consequently realizes the real time monitoring of ultimate analysis and net calorific value of the coal .


  27. Based on the data of technical control , it can be affirmed that the separation action is the prime reason that lead to the higher ash of coarse coal in recovery with hydrocyclone .


  28. The research results showed that the contact angle of the coal water balance would be highly influenced by the hydrogen and oxygen contents of coal and had a high lining relationship with the ash rate of coal .


  29. The ash content of coal can be dropped to 8 % and the yield of beneficiated coal can be reached up to 87.57 % by adjusting the voltage and blast volume properly .


  30. The best proportion of the acid and the time of extraction were studied . Compared with the ash content of coal , the extraction ratio is more than 95 % . Recovery ratio is between 96 % & 104 % .
